“Salon donates opening week proceeds to charity”

The Foothills Focus
May 14, 2022
By Allison Brown, Foothills Focus Staff Writer
The men’s hair salon Keep It Cut opened on April 25 at the Desert Ridge Marketplace and raised more than $2,500 during its first week of business.
Co-owners Jacob Meltzer and Josh Thorsvick are donating the $2,500 to Human Services Campus, a Phoenix-based nonprofit aiding unhoused individuals with resources. Some of those resources include health services, legal services, replacement identification services, employment opportunities, free meals and shelter.
Meltzer said he believes businesses have a responsibility to give back to the communities that support them. The salon also held a fundraising campaign for the Human Services Campus in February.
“We are truly grateful for the financial support from Keep It Cut and for their generous donation of time and talents for the people experiencing homelessness that we serve,” said Amy Schwabenlender, Human Services Campus executive director.
“Addressing the challenges of homelessness requires a collective effort and Keep It Cut is an important partner in that effort.”
Keep It Cut has nine other Valley locations and offers an unlimited subscription model.Customers can pay for a single haircut for $21 or sign up for a monthly membership for $32 and visit as often as they want during that month. The salon offers haircuts, hair washes and beard and mustache trimming.” Read full story here